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Declan Hayes
May 16, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Why did Perfidious Albion wait this long to move against the Russian delegation in London and why would Dublin be used as a backdoor to Europe?

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Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times outlet has just published another cookie cutter Russkie scare story. The Russians, “Putin”, if you prefer, have Ireland saturated from top to bottom with crack secret service agents, who are all working towards the Kremlin’s objective of world domination, or some such thing. James Bond, hold their beer.

These agents have upped their game in recent weeks “in the run-up to the European and local elections due to take place on June 7”, about which this outlet would prefer we did not comment lest MI6 construe it as interference in those same elections.

That said, the odds for the European elections in Ireland may be seen here and, if the reader trawls social media, he will see that sitting MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace are getting terrible stick for being almost the sole voices in Europe not condemning Russia and all things Russian with their every breath.

But back to the article which tells us that “[anonymous] security sources say the [Russian] threat may become more acute as a consequence of Britain’s decision to expel Russia’s military attaché from the Federation’s London embassy while withdrawing diplomatic designations to several buildings used by Russia for intelligence collection” and that “Russia’s intelligence services regularly use Dublin and Belfast as logistical hubs for sending agents into Britain, France and sometimes the Netherlands”.

Fair enough but why did Perfidious Albion wait this long to move against the Russian delegation in London and why would Dublin be used as a backdoor to Europe? And why ask British academic “Neil Robinson, a Russia expert at the University of Limerick”, about any of this? What could this English academic based, for whatever reason, in rural Ireland, possibly know about the covert travel arrangements of the Russian secret service? As it is not something one would read about in Old Moore’s Almanac, just what, if any, are his sources?

The answer is absolutely nothing and, having introduced this joker into the piece, the article then moves on to give a shopping list of nefarious Russian activities in Germany, London and Ukraine, none of which are in Ireland or of concern to Ireland.

Having detoured us from London to Kiev, the article then returns to Ireland where the same anonymous “ security services suspect Russia has already established networks of agents who live under assumed identities across Ireland following a significant decrease in the number of accredited Russian diplomats operating from the embassy on Orwell Road in Dublin”.

Just to get that right, working on orders from London and Washington, the Irish regime expelled some half of Russia’s diplomatic staff, after which the ever resourceful Russkies were able to set up a replacement network doing God knows what in the Irish outback. If we do not yet know how stupid that sounds, the article enlightens us by saying it is composed of “proxies and criminals” and that Sergey Prokopiev, one of the diplomats expelled in 2022, was, according to the same anonymous security services, “a military intelligence officer working under diplomatic cover [who] was suspected of involvement in subversive activities in Ireland, the type of political warfare used by the KGB during the Cold War”.

For a start, the Russian or any other secret service would have to be very stupid to put their faith in networks of criminals and, given how tightly NATO have Ireland wrapped up, it would be very unlikely that any Russian proxy would be anywhere near the levers of power. As regards Prokopiev, it seems he was doing nothing more or less than his military attache equivalents in other embassies were doing and, unlike the British, he was never caught red handed in the act of compromising senior members of the Irish security services. As regards the guff of “the type of political warfare used by the KGB during the Cold War”, that puerile Reds under the bed tripe should not even make it into a school newspaper, never mind one of NATO’s main propaganda organs.

If, as alleged, “Russia is also using Irish IP addresses to mount cyberattacks on countries in the Baltics, including Estonia” [for] the spread of disinformation, these Russian James Bonds with a brogue must have very little to do with their time.

The cookie cutter article finishes with a quote from Keir Giles, another of those English Chatham House field hands, who can always be relied on for a handy Russophobic quote or two. To get a handle on Giles’ abilities, just consider Russia is at war with everybody, his 2022 opus. Russia, it seems, is just a giant caveman, stomping through the world, clubbing everyone and everything it comes across like a kindergarten cartoon figure.

But then Giles thinks the Waffen SS were a great bunch of guys, whose 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (1st Galician) fought a good, clean fight against the Russkies, the Jews and the Polaks. Although the Russians can easily refute that one themselves, it has to be said that today’s attacks against all Russians and everything Russian are non-stop and never-ending exercises in jingoism by second rate journalists and infant grade academics, whose primary targets include Irish neutrality and Irish autonomy.

And, though I previously wrote about this sustained attack on Irish neutrality at the start of the Ukrainian fracas, it should be noted that Russia’s Irish delegation could easily reach an agreement with Irish fiishermen over Russian naval exercises even as the Irish regime refused to engage with the Russians and NATO warships were mooring in Cork harbour, one of the main Irish assets NATO lusts after.

Because fishermen, you see, are adults, who risk and sometimes lose their lives against the Atlantic, they are not at war with everybody and anybody, least of all Russians, as long as their paths do not cross. Not so NATO and their political, media and journalistic flunkeys, who earn their crust throwing their ignorant but all too often inflammatory barbs at the Russians. And, though these rabid dogs may bark as the Russian caravan trundles on, their bile has real world consequences in lost trade and lost lives. If anybody is at war with everybody, it is the warlords of NATO and their little minions in the Sunday Times, the University of Limerick and Chatham House who should, at a minimum, be muzzled, if not metaphorically put down to put us out of the misery they cause.

Is Russia really at “war against everybody”?

Why did Perfidious Albion wait this long to move against the Russian delegation in London and why would Dublin be used as a backdoor to Europe?

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Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su

Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times outlet has just published another cookie cutter Russkie scare story. The Russians, “Putin”, if you prefer, have Ireland saturated from top to bottom with crack secret service agents, who are all working towards the Kremlin’s objective of world domination, or some such thing. James Bond, hold their beer.

These agents have upped their game in recent weeks “in the run-up to the European and local elections due to take place on June 7”, about which this outlet would prefer we did not comment lest MI6 construe it as interference in those same elections.

That said, the odds for the European elections in Ireland may be seen here and, if the reader trawls social media, he will see that sitting MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace are getting terrible stick for being almost the sole voices in Europe not condemning Russia and all things Russian with their every breath.

But back to the article which tells us that “[anonymous] security sources say the [Russian] threat may become more acute as a consequence of Britain’s decision to expel Russia’s military attaché from the Federation’s London embassy while withdrawing diplomatic designations to several buildings used by Russia for intelligence collection” and that “Russia’s intelligence services regularly use Dublin and Belfast as logistical hubs for sending agents into Britain, France and sometimes the Netherlands”.

Fair enough but why did Perfidious Albion wait this long to move against the Russian delegation in London and why would Dublin be used as a backdoor to Europe? And why ask British academic “Neil Robinson, a Russia expert at the University of Limerick”, about any of this? What could this English academic based, for whatever reason, in rural Ireland, possibly know about the covert travel arrangements of the Russian secret service? As it is not something one would read about in Old Moore’s Almanac, just what, if any, are his sources?

The answer is absolutely nothing and, having introduced this joker into the piece, the article then moves on to give a shopping list of nefarious Russian activities in Germany, London and Ukraine, none of which are in Ireland or of concern to Ireland.

Having detoured us from London to Kiev, the article then returns to Ireland where the same anonymous “ security services suspect Russia has already established networks of agents who live under assumed identities across Ireland following a significant decrease in the number of accredited Russian diplomats operating from the embassy on Orwell Road in Dublin”.

Just to get that right, working on orders from London and Washington, the Irish regime expelled some half of Russia’s diplomatic staff, after which the ever resourceful Russkies were able to set up a replacement network doing God knows what in the Irish outback. If we do not yet know how stupid that sounds, the article enlightens us by saying it is composed of “proxies and criminals” and that Sergey Prokopiev, one of the diplomats expelled in 2022, was, according to the same anonymous security services, “a military intelligence officer working under diplomatic cover [who] was suspected of involvement in subversive activities in Ireland, the type of political warfare used by the KGB during the Cold War”.

For a start, the Russian or any other secret service would have to be very stupid to put their faith in networks of criminals and, given how tightly NATO have Ireland wrapped up, it would be very unlikely that any Russian proxy would be anywhere near the levers of power. As regards Prokopiev, it seems he was doing nothing more or less than his military attache equivalents in other embassies were doing and, unlike the British, he was never caught red handed in the act of compromising senior members of the Irish security services. As regards the guff of “the type of political warfare used by the KGB during the Cold War”, that puerile Reds under the bed tripe should not even make it into a school newspaper, never mind one of NATO’s main propaganda organs.

If, as alleged, “Russia is also using Irish IP addresses to mount cyberattacks on countries in the Baltics, including Estonia” [for] the spread of disinformation, these Russian James Bonds with a brogue must have very little to do with their time.

The cookie cutter article finishes with a quote from Keir Giles, another of those English Chatham House field hands, who can always be relied on for a handy Russophobic quote or two. To get a handle on Giles’ abilities, just consider Russia is at war with everybody, his 2022 opus. Russia, it seems, is just a giant caveman, stomping through the world, clubbing everyone and everything it comes across like a kindergarten cartoon figure.

But then Giles thinks the Waffen SS were a great bunch of guys, whose 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (1st Galician) fought a good, clean fight against the Russkies, the Jews and the Polaks. Although the Russians can easily refute that one themselves, it has to be said that today’s attacks against all Russians and everything Russian are non-stop and never-ending exercises in jingoism by second rate journalists and infant grade academics, whose primary targets include Irish neutrality and Irish autonomy.

And, though I previously wrote about this sustained attack on Irish neutrality at the start of the Ukrainian fracas, it should be noted that Russia’s Irish delegation could easily reach an agreement with Irish fiishermen over Russian naval exercises even as the Irish regime refused to engage with the Russians and NATO warships were mooring in Cork harbour, one of the main Irish assets NATO lusts after.

Because fishermen, you see, are adults, who risk and sometimes lose their lives against the Atlantic, they are not at war with everybody and anybody, least of all Russians, as long as their paths do not cross. Not so NATO and their political, media and journalistic flunkeys, who earn their crust throwing their ignorant but all too often inflammatory barbs at the Russians. And, though these rabid dogs may bark as the Russian caravan trundles on, their bile has real world consequences in lost trade and lost lives. If anybody is at war with everybody, it is the warlords of NATO and their little minions in the Sunday Times, the University of Limerick and Chatham House who should, at a minimum, be muzzled, if not metaphorically put down to put us out of the misery they cause.

Why did Perfidious Albion wait this long to move against the Russian delegation in London and why would Dublin be used as a backdoor to Europe?

❗️Join us on TelegramTwitter , and VK.

Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su

Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times outlet has just published another cookie cutter Russkie scare story. The Russians, “Putin”, if you prefer, have Ireland saturated from top to bottom with crack secret service agents, who are all working towards the Kremlin’s objective of world domination, or some such thing. James Bond, hold their beer.

These agents have upped their game in recent weeks “in the run-up to the European and local elections due to take place on June 7”, about which this outlet would prefer we did not comment lest MI6 construe it as interference in those same elections.

That said, the odds for the European elections in Ireland may be seen here and, if the reader trawls social media, he will see that sitting MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace are getting terrible stick for being almost the sole voices in Europe not condemning Russia and all things Russian with their every breath.

But back to the article which tells us that “[anonymous] security sources say the [Russian] threat may become more acute as a consequence of Britain’s decision to expel Russia’s military attaché from the Federation’s London embassy while withdrawing diplomatic designations to several buildings used by Russia for intelligence collection” and that “Russia’s intelligence services regularly use Dublin and Belfast as logistical hubs for sending agents into Britain, France and sometimes the Netherlands”.

Fair enough but why did Perfidious Albion wait this long to move against the Russian delegation in London and why would Dublin be used as a backdoor to Europe? And why ask British academic “Neil Robinson, a Russia expert at the University of Limerick”, about any of this? What could this English academic based, for whatever reason, in rural Ireland, possibly know about the covert travel arrangements of the Russian secret service? As it is not something one would read about in Old Moore’s Almanac, just what, if any, are his sources?

The answer is absolutely nothing and, having introduced this joker into the piece, the article then moves on to give a shopping list of nefarious Russian activities in Germany, London and Ukraine, none of which are in Ireland or of concern to Ireland.

Having detoured us from London to Kiev, the article then returns to Ireland where the same anonymous “ security services suspect Russia has already established networks of agents who live under assumed identities across Ireland following a significant decrease in the number of accredited Russian diplomats operating from the embassy on Orwell Road in Dublin”.

Just to get that right, working on orders from London and Washington, the Irish regime expelled some half of Russia’s diplomatic staff, after which the ever resourceful Russkies were able to set up a replacement network doing God knows what in the Irish outback. If we do not yet know how stupid that sounds, the article enlightens us by saying it is composed of “proxies and criminals” and that Sergey Prokopiev, one of the diplomats expelled in 2022, was, according to the same anonymous security services, “a military intelligence officer working under diplomatic cover [who] was suspected of involvement in subversive activities in Ireland, the type of political warfare used by the KGB during the Cold War”.

For a start, the Russian or any other secret service would have to be very stupid to put their faith in networks of criminals and, given how tightly NATO have Ireland wrapped up, it would be very unlikely that any Russian proxy would be anywhere near the levers of power. As regards Prokopiev, it seems he was doing nothing more or less than his military attache equivalents in other embassies were doing and, unlike the British, he was never caught red handed in the act of compromising senior members of the Irish security services. As regards the guff of “the type of political warfare used by the KGB during the Cold War”, that puerile Reds under the bed tripe should not even make it into a school newspaper, never mind one of NATO’s main propaganda organs.

If, as alleged, “Russia is also using Irish IP addresses to mount cyberattacks on countries in the Baltics, including Estonia” [for] the spread of disinformation, these Russian James Bonds with a brogue must have very little to do with their time.

The cookie cutter article finishes with a quote from Keir Giles, another of those English Chatham House field hands, who can always be relied on for a handy Russophobic quote or two. To get a handle on Giles’ abilities, just consider Russia is at war with everybody, his 2022 opus. Russia, it seems, is just a giant caveman, stomping through the world, clubbing everyone and everything it comes across like a kindergarten cartoon figure.

But then Giles thinks the Waffen SS were a great bunch of guys, whose 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (1st Galician) fought a good, clean fight against the Russkies, the Jews and the Polaks. Although the Russians can easily refute that one themselves, it has to be said that today’s attacks against all Russians and everything Russian are non-stop and never-ending exercises in jingoism by second rate journalists and infant grade academics, whose primary targets include Irish neutrality and Irish autonomy.

And, though I previously wrote about this sustained attack on Irish neutrality at the start of the Ukrainian fracas, it should be noted that Russia’s Irish delegation could easily reach an agreement with Irish fiishermen over Russian naval exercises even as the Irish regime refused to engage with the Russians and NATO warships were mooring in Cork harbour, one of the main Irish assets NATO lusts after.

Because fishermen, you see, are adults, who risk and sometimes lose their lives against the Atlantic, they are not at war with everybody and anybody, least of all Russians, as long as their paths do not cross. Not so NATO and their political, media and journalistic flunkeys, who earn their crust throwing their ignorant but all too often inflammatory barbs at the Russians. And, though these rabid dogs may bark as the Russian caravan trundles on, their bile has real world consequences in lost trade and lost lives. If anybody is at war with everybody, it is the warlords of NATO and their little minions in the Sunday Times, the University of Limerick and Chatham House who should, at a minimum, be muzzled, if not metaphorically put down to put us out of the misery they cause.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 20, 2025
February 22, 2025

See also

February 20, 2025
February 22, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.